Explore Plants
The list of plants below includes the species you are most likely to see as you wander around the Bluff and surrounds. There are a number of flora guides and booklets to help you identify plant species that are commonly found on the Bellarine. Click the buttons below to view these booklets in PDF format. Plants can be classified into ‘Ecological Vegetation Classes’ or EVCs – find out more here.
Bernie Lingham (Chaffy Saw Sedge, Sea Heath, Shiny Swamp-mat)
Matt Crawley (Coast Pomaderris, Knobby Club-rush)
Naomi Wells (all other images)
NATUREhoodz (Coast Blown Grass, Coast Spear-grass)
Nick Thoms (Prickly Spear-grass)
Rod Lowther (Coast Wattle, Sea Rush, Tangled Lignum)