Australian White Ibis
Species Name: Threskiornis molucca
Wadawurrung Name: bit-bit-djerrak
Description: The Australian White Ibis is mainly white, with black tail feathers and black skin on the bare neck and head. It has a long, narrow, black bill which curves downward at the tip. During flight, narrow scarlet patches of skin can be seen on the underwing.
The White Ibis is often seen feeding in paddocks on beetles and grubs and are welcome visitors to farmers’ paddocks. In urban areas, however, they live mainly by scrounging and often have grubby plumage as they forage in rubbish tips and garbage bins. Breeds on islands in Port Phillip Bay and may be seen in skeins overhead moving backwards and forwards between the breeding colony and feeding grounds, from July to December. They usually feed on small aquatic animals such as fish, frogs, and freshwater crayfish. Also, crickets, beetles, and earthworms. They will also scavenge for human scraps.
Type: Bird
Where to find: Freshwater wetlands, swamps, and grasslands. Its natural habitat is wetlands, and this ibis can be seen along the Barwon Estuary or on the foreshore.
Size: 75cm